Senior Environmental Scientist
Institute of Climate and Energy Systems
Division: Troposphere (ICE-3)
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Research Area: Chemistry of the Atmosphere and its Impacts
• Offline Mass-Spectrometric Analyses of Ambient Particulate Matter Filters from India
Source: The European Commission, Horizon 2020 CoFund program
EU Grant Agreement No. 884104
Budget: approx. USD 100,000. (One hundred thousand U.S. Dollars)
• Full Sponsorship, Wilhelm and Else (WE) Heraeus
Foundation Seminar Germany, 2023. (USD 1500)
• Yale Graduate Student Assembly Conference Travel Award, 2019. (USD 750)
• American Geophysical Union: Fall Meeting Travel Grant, 2017. (USD 500)
• NASA Travel Grant for American Association for Aerosol Research Conference, 2017. (USD 500)
• Full Sponsorship, International Students Committee,
St. Gallen Symposium, 2016. (USD 2000)
• American Meteorological Society 94th Annual Meeting Travel Grant, 2014. (USD 500)
• Villgro Possible, India- Young Innovator Funding Award, 2011. (USD 500)
• Yale Teaching Fellowships in:
ENAS 335 Professional Ethics, Fall 2018 and 2019.
ENAS 673/ENVE 473 Air Quality and Energy, 2018 and 2019.
PHY 180 Fundamentals of Physics, 2018.
ENAS 120/ENVE 120 Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 2017
• Yale Graduate Fellowship 2015-16.
• French Government Scholarship (Charpak), 2015.
• Sciences Po Paris full tuition waiver, 2014.
• Balkrishna Industries Limited Scholarship for graduate studies at YIF, 2014.
• Virginia Tech Research and Teaching Assistantships 2012-2014.
• Virginia Tech full tuition waiver, 2012.
• VIT Annual Merit Scholarships (All four undergraduate years), 2008-2012.